Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to Keep a Visitor's Attention

      This week I dabbled at creating labels for the display cases. Display labels are designed to be informative and easy to read. The first two sentences should catch the attention of readers and entice visitors to continuing reading about the artifacts. It is harder than it sounds, and I have experienced some creative difficulties. I guess I am so accustomed to academics that I find writing for a diverse age group a bit challenging. Display labels are cleverly written in a manner in which middle grade school students can understand the information just as much as scholars. The information should not be convoluted or intellectually cumbersome. Moreover, labels should complement the overall theme of an exhibit. Indeed, they enlighten visitors of the art historical, social and culture relevance of artifacts. In addition, labels facilitate the direction or flow of information of an exhibition. The pieces and their educational significance ought to take people on a type of social and cultural journey. Hopefully I can create a couple of interesting and stirring labels for the Cyprus pottery.


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