Monday, April 9, 2012

Expanding and Editing

This past week I submitted my ideas on the display label cases to Bethany. She liked my progress and requested that I expand my work. For instance, the introduction to the Cyprus pottery includes a general historical overview of Cyprus and the island’s cultural diversity. Cyprus was a crossroads of ancient civilizations; the material culture produced on the island reflects a variety and amalgamation of local and foreign techniques. The overview also includes a brief introduction to Cypriot pottery, in particular Iron Age pottery. Bethany would also like me to create a type of timeline mapping out the stages of Cypriot pottery- a mini typology of Cypriot pottery. She thinks it would be a good idea if people had an educational visual reference to the vessels that will be on display. True, not everyone knows what an amphora, krater, oinochoe and kylix looks like. Below is an example of the type of diagram I might use. The main difficulty I have experience in incorporating Bethany’s suggestions is information overload. Visitors do not always want to spend a lot of time reading masses amount of information on artifacts and exhibitions. The goal is to quickly attract visitors and gain their interests. Pertinent information ought to be included but a cultural and historical overview needs to be limited. So far I have edited my original work but the length is the same since Bethany’s assessment. I will see if I can cut it down further without completely rewriting the introduction.

Thanks for reading,


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